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Entries for Dance Venue: Sheena


Sheena, Portsmouth

Entries for Dance Venue: Sheena.

Sheena, Portsmouth

Entries for Dance Venue: Sheena.
Portsmouth, Hampshire
Oxyrobix Contemporary Belly Dance Fusion. A combination of Latin Fever, all styles of Belly Dance, Exersize, and beautiful Dance Movements. It can be done by anyone, any age, shape, size or ability. It is enormous fun and everybody can dance at their own pace and ability. It's exotic, it's sensual and you learn to enjoy your body from within. Students are invited to dance on stage and festivals all through the year.
Instructor for Hire, Performances, Corporate Entertainment, Charity, Weddings. Dance Styles: Belly Dance, Stage Dance, Dancercise, Exercise Dance, Exotic, Oriental, Over 50s Dance, International Dance, Fitness, Latino, Dancesport, Middle Eastern, Mixed Social Dance, Zumba.
Contact: Sheena Hall
Tel: 07533572820
All Entries for Sheena Organisation.
(Last Edited: 15/8/2011)
ABased at: Sheena, Portsmouth, Hampshire

Dance Class

Contact organiser for times and further details.
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