DanceMania 2025 at the Alban Arena.
An action packed afternoon of street dance styles.
Watch local talent form some of the very best from around Hertfordshire and North London perform diverse styles from street dance, hip-hop and breakdance to contemporary and street jazz, it promises to be highly a entertaining show. Phone Bookings: 07816 215 575.
►Further Information ►Book Online NowDance Event. Show for Lyrical, Hip-Hop, Break, Jazz, Commercial, Contemporary and Street Dancers. Bar. Doors open at 13:45. Event is 14:30-17:30. Admission £19.50.

Street Dance Competitions, DanceMania Show.

No Smoking. Car Park. Parking is available to the rear of The Alban Arena. The car park is free after 6.30pm every evening, with pay & display at other times.
Please note that a 3 hour limit has been put into operation at Civic Close Car Park during the day, this will affect.