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Dance Classes, Lessons, Products and Services near Burnaby, British-Columbia.


Dancin' Stars Studio, 7757 Edmonds Street, Burnaby, Vancouver


Dancin' Stars Studio, 7757 Edmonds Street, Burnaby, Vancouver

Burnaby, British Columbia
Bravo! Dance Company

Bravo! Dance Company

 How many times you have seen, either on TV or in a nightclub, a couple dancing salsa and you have wished to move your hips like them? Well maybe it's the right time to take this seriously and start dancing. Salsa dancing requires talent. However, acquiring the skills is not an impossible mission. On the contrary, it's totally do-able and anyone with the right attitude towards working hard and practicing a few hours a week can easily jump from a beginner to a very good salsa dancer...
Event Organiser, Regular Dance Classes, Dance Company. Dance Styles: Salsa Dance.
Tel: 604-771-7750
Email: Bravo! Dance Company.
All Entries for Bravo! Dance Company Organisation.
(Last Edited: 28/6/2007)
ADancin' Stars Studio, 7757 Edmonds Street, Burnaby, British Columbia (near Vancouver)
Website. All Entries for Dancin' Stars Studio Venue.  Show Venue on Google Earth.

Salsa Dance Class

Salsa Instruction at Complete Novice to Beginner level, Practice at Complete Novice level.
Salsa Dance Class
Salsa Instruction at Intermediate level, Practice at Intermediate level.
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